Another update for MTG Tracker, just in time for another pre-release.
First things first, the changelog:
- Added Theros
- Fixed crash filtering collection / wish list
- Improved deck view with card details
- Improved deck list with color and format
- Improved flow for adding cards to deck
- Price for a list now applies on the selection
- Taping on a card on a list selects the proper set image
Now, apart from a few bugs on the collection / wish list section, all this one does is to improve the screens and the flow on the decks area. Because it is one of the most used features of the app, and I want to provide the best experience for the users.
To notice how much of an improvement on the UI this version is, I have to show two screenshots. This is how it was until this version:
This is quite a nice screen with good information. Being able to see the deck list together with the details is nice, and it has been good for a long time, but with today’s release it looks like this:
Now, each card on a deck has type information and casting cost… I can’t believe I had not added that before, now I can’t imagine that screen without them.
But also, for each deck, you can now see the format of the deck and the colors it uses. Because it is always nice to know that stuff.