Android: Front Cameras are not Cameras

Let’s say you want to make an app that includes the occasional taking of a photo (i.e. for the profile pic) but you want to have it in-app and not launch the default intent.

Of course you follow the instructions for “Building a camera App” from the official website.

But there are a few points where the API is not obvious and can drive you mad. Specially if you are using a 2012 Nexus 7 as a test device (or any device that has front facing camera only).

Checking the hardware

Here is where the fun begins. Because this is not a killer feature, we won’t request the feature in the manifest, but check it in the code (as the documentation suggests)


Returns false. So it seems there is no camera. Let’s try something else.


This returns 1. It seems there is a camera. Hmmm.

The documentation takes us out of our error. FEATURE_CAMERA means:

The device has a camera facing away from the screen.

There is FEATURE_CAMERA_ANY, but that is API level 17, and we are “only” minSDK=14, so we can not use it. We also have FEATURE_CAMERA_FRONT, we are saved.

The way to check if a device has any camera is:

PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
boolean backCamera = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA);
boolean frontCamera = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_FRONT);
return backCamera || frontCamera;

Or just use Camera.getNumberOfCameras().

Be aware that if the camera feature is requested in you manifest, your app will not be available on devices with only a front facing camera. Maybe you want that, maybe not.

Opening the Camera

The fun continues when we try to open the camera. If we have more than 1 camera, we can select the one we want, but if there is only 1 camera we can go ahead and open it

if (Camera.getNumberOfCameras() == 1) {
else {
   // Select one camera
   return selectAndOpenCamera();

Except that -in our special case- this code returns null. Because, you know, when it says camera it means back facing camera. At least the documentation of is clear.

Creates a new Camera object to access the first back-facing camera on the device. If the device does not have a back-facing camera, this returns null.

You should, instead, try to open the first camera, That works.

In the case of selecting which camera to open (i.e. if you want a front facing camera by default) you have to iterate over the cameras, check the CameraInfo of each of them, and open the one you want using the id.

And remember: For Android, camera means back-facing camera. Front facing cameras are not real cameras.